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2013-03-03 20:11:27
Power Generation

The Thortex Group specializes in protective coatings and repair materials for your power generation facilities, equipment and aging infrastructure. Our solutions utilize the best coatings and repair materials in the industry today.

Pump and Turbine Efficiency – studies have shown that regular routine maintenance of your pumps and turbines will improve the efficiency of your equipment, but the addition of ceramic enhanced coatings with bring them even closer to the manufacturer’s specifications. Our coatings can improve flows and will protect the surfaces from future damage which can extend their useful service life.

Containment Areas – our chemical resistant coatings will protect your containment areas from chemical spills and leaks. Our resurfacing screeds can rebuild any damage already present.

Storage Tanks and Process Vessels – our repair materials can rebuild areas of tank surfaces experiencing significant wall loss or leaking seams. Our chemical resistant coating systems can protection the tanks (inside and out) from chemical exposure.

Heat Exchangers & Condensers – our smooth, low friction coatings have excellent chemical and temperature resistance. Our repair materials can be used to repair damage to tube sheets, condenser plates and covers.

Mechanical Equipment – our metal, rubber and ceramic repair materials offer a range of repair solutions to all types of machinery including shafts, keyways, rams, cylinder housings, valves, impellers and conveyors.
Concrete Repairs – our rapid build concrete rebuild materials offer supreme physical strength are moisture tolerant and chemical resistant. They are ideal for cooling towers, waste chutes, dam walls, footings and platforms

版權所有 © 廈門成碩工業設備有限公司   英國索泰thortex修復劑 金屬修補劑、搪瓷修補劑 襯膠修補劑、3M工程修復材料、滲漏修補
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